Recommended Local Services
When you visit Wild Harvest Tipis and Activities you may need to know of local companies that can help out with services such as taxi's, pop up bars, or catering.
Please remember anyone you bring in from outside will need their own insurance and any activities you organise do not count towards the two Wild Harvest activities we require our guests to take as part of the booking conditions.
Here is a list of our known and trusted companies who can be contacted direct.
Snack Type/Picnic Type Food
Oh My Graze
Pop Up Gin Bar
The Gin Shack
Evening Dining Cooked On Fire
The Free Range Kitchen will bring their gazebo and fire range and cook you the most amazing meal en plein air!' See the picture below of a recent group who booked them to come to Wild Harvest!
Hot Tub Hire
We sold our wood fired hot tub at the tipi site at the start of Covid for a few reasons, we were thinking about getting one again but then we found this guy... Reliable with a good quality range of hot tubs for a reasonable price. Please be aware that we charge £40 on top of his fee for the electric and water use, plus our time to be in to arrange collection and watch it fill ready to turn the water off and the electric on. If you plan to get a tub please ask us first. We then invoice you for the £40, your hot tub will be here and warm for when you arrive. At the Boundary Farm tipi site the hot tub won't fit through our willow archway, it is sited near the car park by the wood shed, which may not be the most pretty of places, but you will still have fun!
Indian Head Massages/Neck Back and Shoulder Massages for Your Group
Why not book our very own Julie to come in and give all your group a wonderful relaxing Indian Head Massage as you enjoy a chilled afternoon at the tipi site.
A private space can be set up in either the cosy hut or one of the tipis for the afternoon so you can take turns to walk in and drift away, blissed out over the course of the session. A qualified massage therapist using quality natural essential oils. Contact Julie on julie@wildharvest.org
Live Music
Acoustic Set at Wild Harvest by The Primal Suspects, a York based duo that have played hundreds of gigs up and down the UK. With an extensive repertoire of songs from lively to chilled. You can even send in some requests in advance, for the Bride to Be! Email: hopwoodmark1974@gmail.com or call 07789157126
Yoga with Lucy from Soultribe Studios
Lucy runs a beautiful Yoga studio not far from Wild Harvest, in the market town of Pocklington - in addition to teaching yoga and meditation at our retreats, she can be booked to come to do a yoga/meditation session with you at the tipi site. If you fancied a run out, you could also book to go to her wonderful boho styled yoga studio for your session there. Lucys details are below:
I’m Lucy, the founder of SoulTribe Studios Yoga and Wellbeing in Pocklington. I am here to empower you through yoga, meditation and wellbeing practices to dive deep into yourself and begin to create the life you are longing for.
Are you a wild spirit, called by a feeling that you need a little more?
More than a yoga class, you need a place to come home to yourself. A place to listen to the whispers of your heart.
This is what a class with SoulTribe offers. It's not just stretching - it's Oracle Cards, essential oils, and the transformative magic of Yoga, all rounded off with a blissful relaxation. Whatever your level of experience - total newbie or experienced Yogi, I am here for you in all your beautiful, messy glory.
32 Market Place (First Floor), Pocklington, YO42 2AR
07891 806667
Taxi Companies (Including People Carriers/Small Minibuses)
Specialist Minibuses York