About Di

Diana Hammill Page had an unusual upbringing. She was raised by her Grandfather a gunner in the army and her  Father a hippy whose dream was to live in a kibbutz!  ... in an unconventional upbringing for a little girl in the seventies.  A childhood that necessitated teaching herself self-reliance skills led to a university post-graduate education in Criminal Psychology and teaching at college.  Three children later, Di had given up academia to raise her children alone and off-grid in a remote North Yorks Dale and a return to work in teaching again but this time in the natural lifestyle skills that was her way of living.  They had no heating, loo, or running hot water, living in a green painted caravan in a five acre field. She lived very simply just using what was around them.

Teach Foraging

About Wild Harvest School

Wild Harvest began sixteen years ago with the making and selling of beeswax candles, hedgerow teas and cordials through local tourist shops then evolved into running wild food walks for the National Parks Centres and for the Forestry Commission.  Basket weaving, candle making and rag-rugging days were later added, usually taught from the kitchen table!  Today Wild Harvest has moved to a farm on the outskirts of York and now offers residential courses in all things self-reliance in Nature also offers groups the chance to stay off-grid in Tipis, and learn from a range of the courses they now offer.  You can learn either by attending a course or walk or learn online. A qualified Adult Ed. tutor, Permaculture Designer, Natural beekeeper, Archery GB instructor, Blackbelt in Tae Kwon Do, Survival Medic trained, NNAS Navigation Tutor plus Natural navigation tutor, and a Member of the Association of Foragers, Di is now seen as one of the countries leading experts in simple, natural lifestyle and self-reliance and is often asked to comment in the media or speak at National shows about various aspects of her work.  Wild Harvest School has been wanting to move to teaching online for years, and we are so excited to have the online course platform up.

Wild Harvest are members of the Glamping Association and now help other glamping businesses set up with Di's book HOW TO SET UP A SUCCESSFUL GLAMPING BUSINESS AND GET FULLY BOOKED.

See Wild Harvest School in the Media HERE 

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Wild Harvest School

Introduction to Foraging

Learn How to Foraging for Wild Food with our online course.

  • Learn on any device, in your own time and from anywhere!
  • Learn our four step process for avoiding identification errors
  • Understand health benefits
  • Discover the law involved in wild food foraging
  • and much more...
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Wild Harvest School

Make Natural Toiletries

Learn to make your own Natural Toiletries just using the resources around you.

  • Learn on any device, in your own time and from anywhere!
  • Understand the reasons for going natural
  • Avoid toxic ingredients
  • Di's recipes for a range of products
  • Avoid beauty miles by using only temperate clime ingredients.

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Learn Permaculture online

Wild Harvest School

Grow Sustainably using Permaculture

If you ever thought you are 'just not green fingered' that is probably because you have not learned to understand Natures messages. Learn how to grow more for less.

  • Learn on any device, in your own time and from anywhere
  • Discover permaculture methods, principles and design tools
  • Create a base plan of your plot then
  • Discover how to observe it and plan accordingly to ensure you are working with, not against Nature.
  • Get more yields for less input.

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Teach Foraging

Wild Harvest School

Teach Foraging

Learn to lead Wild Food Foraging walks with our online teacher-training course.

  • Learn how to teach with session planning and risk assessment tips
  • Get ideas for adding activities to your walks eg. for children
  • Understand the criteria for choosing a good venue and route
  • Learn the business side that will take your walks to fully booked.
  • Huge value in this course designed to get you teaching successfully and highly reviewed.
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Wild Harvest School

My Craft School

Learn to set up your own Craft Teaching Business. Get fully booked and highly reviewed quickly, cut out years of business building and jump straight to success.

  • Learn on any device, in your own time and from anywhere
  • Learn how to teach
  • Remove the glass ceiling that is inevitable when selling the crafts that you make and quadruple your income by teaching instead.
  • Learn both the teaching and business sides in this online course
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