Home Made Skin Infection Remedy

Home Made Skin Infection Remedy

Skin Infection Natural Remedy

How to help How to heal a skin infection at home

Not much left of this home remedy, as it’s had a bit of hammer this year!

This is my go to topical cure all when my teenage boys get random skin infections.


Both of them have inherited their fathers toe nails: short and wide meaning they are prone to wicklows and infections , one son got athletes foot this year from training rooms and also managed to get ring worm on his neck after a stay in a bnb with his girlfriend , how romantic.

Everything has been treated successfully with this one little jar. You are probably already familiar with the idea of thyme being anti fungal, and oregano being anti viral, so I grow both, then infuse them in home made (or good quality bought) apple cider vinegar . The boys now know to ask for this if anything untoward appears, it’s nice as although they are totally embarrassed as teenagers by their hippy mother , they do trust what I give them ! Also fresh garlic contains Allicin which topically (yes I’ve rubbed it on bodies) fresh and bruised or dried mildly and chopped best conserves the allicin level which isn’t too stable over time and heat, hence me not adding it to the above mix, but rubbing it on separately. Studies in a hospital showed allicin helped prevent the spread of virus from surface to surface. So easy yet so effective. Looks like I better make some more !


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Di has been running Wild Harvest School for almost two decades...

Beginning with running foraging walks for the Forestry Commision and National Parks, she started teaching basket weaving and rag rugging from the kitchen table. Being a single mum with three small children she ran walks and courses and sold hand-made crafts when she could, taking the children to the woods with her to work. Having had an unusual upbringing herself, being raised by her soldier grandfather and hippy scientist father; self-reliance was taught from an early age.

After leaving academia to raise her own children alone and off-grid ...

in a similar basic lifestyle to the one the men raised her in... she gave up everything to move into a caravan on the North Yorkshire Moors where they had no loo or electric. They lived from what was around them for nearly three years, making and gathering much of what they needed. Digging up cow dung for fires, or chopping wood and weaving baskets or making rag-rugs, with a toddler in a sling. Today Wild Harvest School has been operating across two farm venues, near York, and is proud to have trained tutors covering much of the U.K. We teach adults via fun group activities but also run day courses, walks and retreats

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